Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nepal (14) Welcome back to Tansen

Becca and I left Pokhara early one morning, and took the bus back to Tansen. The main highway doesn't go through the actual city, so when we got off the bus, we jumped on to the top of a jeep to drive us up to the city. The top of a jeep is a good place to sight see, and the air was as clear as I've ever seen. When we got to the main bus park and climbed down from the roof, we were met by a small entourage of somewhat official looking people. I had a hard time understanding what was going on, but fortunately Becca recognized one of them from the tourism board (Getup Palpa).

It turned out that we were being selected to be honored as the first tourists to Tansen of the year 2011 (Year of Tourism). Becca and I were whisked away, our backpack parked at the hotel, and when we got to the main field, the full greeting began.

We met parliament members, cabinet members, various officials, and got photographed and filmed by various journalists. By the end we were covered in marigold wreaths, scarves, and red tikka dust.

1 comment:

  1. What a story. Marten and Becca are now celebrities / royalty!! You guys are like Forrest Gump!

