Sunday, March 13, 2011

March series

After the cancellation of Stevens, it was time to quickly find another option for Sunday. Fortunately, just nearby is the March series by Lehighwheelmen.

Brandon and I headed over, I signed up for the A and B race, but unfortunately he had to do the cat 5 race because of his new license.

I rolled up to the B start behind Bob and recognized several national champions, track stars, former Olympians, and the like. I had to clarify that this was, indeed, the start of the B race. Yikes.

Somewhere in the middle of the race, a break was gone, but a sprint was coming up. I couldn't remember how many people were in the break, but I thought that there was a reasonable chance that there might be a point still left for the field. I went, but got passed before the line. So unless the break only had 2 people in it, no points for me. I really should pay more attention and have better general race awareness.

Similar thing happened in the A race, I'm following some guys wheel, and another guy comes around me and asks me what I'm waiting for. He obviously wanted me to pull through earlier. I look back and realize we're in a group of about 6-8 with a good gap behind us. The race is just shredding apart. So I start rotating through and trying to help out. We weren't flowing very smoothly, about half of us were trying to set up a rotating double pace line (probably the best option for the number we had), but others were taking longer hard pulls that strung us out single file. I'm guilty of trying to do both at different times. It was such a short course, that the double pace line was tough to keep rotating through the turns.

I have no idea how many groups were ahead of us, or behind us, all I know is that we got lapped twice by the leaders. Wow, they were flying.

But good racing, got to pay more attention, though.

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